Thursday, June 16, 2016

Keep Your Family Safe

Family is precious and children are vulnerable. Keep everyone safe, even through the difficulties of divorce. Your family can weather the storms of life and come out the other side stronger, filled with love and support for one another.

Four Important Times To Call A Family Law Lawyer

Family Law serves a number of needs for families and children. There are four important times when you should pick up the phone and call a lawyer who specializes in family law:

Joining Two Lives

If you are seeking marriage, a civil union or a domestic partnership, it’s important to consult a family law lawyer for a prenuptial agreement.

Dissolving the Ties That Bind

When there are children involved in a divorce you need a family law lawyer to help decide how custody is shared, the rules of visitation and an equitable alimony or child support settlement.

Coping With Violence and Trauma

Whether you are a victim of domestic violence or accused of committing it you need to call a family law lawyer right away. Family law also addresses child abuse and child abduction.

Bringing New Children Into the Family

To avoid the pitfalls and expedite an adoption, call a family law lawyer for help. Surrogacy can be a legal minefield, too, and is another important time to call a family law lawyer.

No one wants to need a lawyer, but when life’s important victories and setbacks require legal assistance it’s a great relief to know there is someone you can count on. Pick up the phone today or visit the website of a family law lawyer in La Quinta.